
Group: DynoMotion Message: 15209 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 12/7/2017
Subject: Re: Strange Kmotion cnc / pokeys behaviour
Maybe the PoKeys57U is configured to emulate pushing the Arrow Keys on the Keyboard?

Maybe the PoKeys57U is appearing to Windows as a GamePad.  Try disabling GamePad support in KMotionCNC | Tool Setup | Trajectory Planner | Joystick/Jog


On 12/7/2017 5:09 AM, kflop4321@... [DynoMotion] wrote:


I have a very strange problem with my Kmotion cnc program in combination with a pokeys57U.

Kmotioncnc starts normally. The INIT button zero's out the DRO and works normall. But when I plug in a pokeys57U via the USB and I hit the INIT button in Kmotioncnc, all the DRO's of Kmotioncnc start running simultansley.

Kmotioncnc works fine without the Pokeys plugged in. The Pokeys works also fine without problem.

It seems to me that the the pokeys somehow triggers the DRO's of the Kflop/Kmotioncnc??!

Anyone had this strange behavoiur before  ?

any idea why this happen?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 15215 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 12/9/2017
Subject: Re: Strange Kmotion cnc / pokeys behaviour
You might look in Windows | Control Panel | Gamepads and see if 2 Gamepads show up.  There may be a way to change the order or which one is "preferred".

KMotionCNC expects to use the first one with JOYSTICKID1 as shown below.  If you know how to re-compile KMotionCNC you might try changing to JOYSTICKID2.

    if (m_EnableGamePad && joyGetPosEx(JOYSTICKID1,&ji) == JOYERR_NOERROR)


On 12/9/2017 7:12 AM, kflop4321@... [DynoMotion] wrote:

Thanks for the great support Tom.

Indeed when I disabled the Gamepad support, the DRO's stayed stable when I hit INIT.
But if I disable the gamepad support , I cant use a gamepad with Kmotioncnc anymore?
So I have to choose, either to disable gamepad support and use the pokeys with the Kflop or use gamepad support and disconnect the Pokeys?
My intention was to use a gamepad with Kmotioncnc and use the pokeys for other I/O .
I tryed to dissable the gamepad functionality  in Pokeys but cant figure that out. 
Any one knows how to dissable the gamepad functionality in Pokeys?

Thanks for